Alistair Hulett's very own website has just gone live!
It's a terrific source of info on Alistair and his music. You'll find a biography and discography, news and gigs, downloadable photos for media use and MP3s of selected Alistair Hulett / Roaring Jack songs.
Watch out for the soon-to-go-live Songbook
on Alistair's site. This will contain MP3s of Alistair playing acoustic versions of selected Roaring Jack songs. The songs are those that Alistair still plays live but which don't appear on any of his solo albums. In addition, there'll be enough info about each song for you to have a go at playing the song yourself!
A lot of work has obviously gone into Alistair's site, both from the designers and from Alistair himself. Congratulations to all involved.
The Alistair Hulett site run by Folk Icons will still continue, as will the Roaring Jack Archives.
It's a terrific source of info on Alistair and his music. You'll find a biography and discography, news and gigs, downloadable photos for media use and MP3s of selected Alistair Hulett / Roaring Jack songs.
Watch out for the soon-to-go-live Songbook
on Alistair's site. This will contain MP3s of Alistair playing acoustic versions of selected Roaring Jack songs. The songs are those that Alistair still plays live but which don't appear on any of his solo albums. In addition, there'll be enough info about each song for you to have a go at playing the song yourself!
A lot of work has obviously gone into Alistair's site, both from the designers and from Alistair himself. Congratulations to all involved.
The Alistair Hulett site run by Folk Icons will still continue, as will the Roaring Jack Archives.